IMG_4970 (2)




  • 4 cups {500g} whole-grain – spelt flour – mix
  • 1/2 cup {60g} flax seeds
  • 1/4 cup {20g} spelt bran
  • 3/4 cup {100g} pumpkin seeds
  • 3/4 cup {100g} sunflower seeds
  • 1 package {2 tbsp} baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 12 oz {350ml} almond milk (unsweetened)



  1. Combine all the ingredients.
  2. Spray a baking pan with some coconut oil and fill in the dough. Spread some more seeds on top.
  3. Preheat oven: 390°F / 200°C and bake for about 50 minutes.


xxx TheBrondeCouple – v.


IMG_4963 (2)





  • 500g Vollkorn-Dinkelmehl-Mix
  • 60g Leinsamen
  • 20g Dinkelkleie
  • 100g Kürbiskerne
  • 100g Sonnenblumenkerne
  • 1 Pack {2 EL} Backpulver
  • 2 Eier
  • 350ml Mandelmilch (ungesüßt)



  1. Vermische alle Zutaten.
  2. Fette eine Backform mit Kokosöl ein und fülle den Teig hinein. Streue ein paar weitere Samen über den Teig.
  3. Heize den Ofen auf 200°C vor und backe das Brot für etwa 50 Minuten.


xxx TheBrondeCouple – v.



IMG_4979 (2)

3 comments on “Nutritious whole-grain bread
  1. Such whole wheat bread is not only tasty, but also useful. Almond milk in the dough gives an unusual taste to the baking. We can enjoy it.

  2. I have long been preparing bread from whole grains since this is a very useful dish for my family and guests.

  3. Whole grain bread is very useful because it does not have a large number of yeast and premium flour, which is very high in calories and incredibly affects weight gain.